Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sleeping Beauty


We went to the doctor today and she did more blood-work, pricked her finger for another diabetes check, took another urinalysis, and looked her over. If you aren't aware, Mary has been sleeping anywhere from 14/16+ hours a day off and on for a little more than a week now. She was also unable to stay out of the restroom for very long before he bladder had her running again.

She had a urinalysis done a week ago and the stick test came back clean, so they sent it off for culture but it never came back so the doctor assumed that something had gone wrong or they had lost it. o.O Really builds my trust in them, lemme tell ya.

So even though her bathroom usage is easing up a bit and she was able to stay awake longer today, I wanted her to be rechecked before I sent her back to school. And she needed a new excuse that states that she needs to be allowed to rest and use the restroom as needed.

The doctor took blood-work today to check her for Mono and to check her Thyroid function. She is also checking her kidneys and her liver numbers, her electrolytes, etc. So hopefully we will have all of these labs back by the weekend.

As for now, she is in the restroom again, but she's humming, lol, so that means that she's somewhat energetic today and that's great! :)

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