As promised, I am writing in more detail about what's been going on with Marian at school. I will do my best to stay on track and not veer off too often, but I can't be certain that'll be the case the entire post. So just bear with me if you will.
(It's the last week of school, Mary's teacher took this picture and shared it because she thought the shirt said it all)
All year Mary has had some sort of struggle going on. This is a big reason why I am putting her in therapy. I don't know how to handle it and me being Mom, she doesn't really listen to any advice I give her anyway. Because I'm just Mom, I don't know what I'm talking about, ya know?
She has struggled with her arthritis a lot. The pain, the losing function of her right wrist, not being able to walk part of the year, off and on and the bullying that came along with it. She's had a rough year.
Now, as I get into this, I want to first say that I am not one of those moms that believes their child plays no part in anything bad that happens to her. I do not claim innocence if there is none. She is perfectly capable of being a snotty little brat just like the rest of them, and she is...often. But when she is innocent, and innocence has been found through lots of long interrogation first, I will not sit idly by and allow her to suffer for something she had no part in.
My kids are held to a much higher standard than most other kids are these days. They don't get away with much at all. They have consequences and they get punished. They also hold a higher moral fiber than the general population of their peers. Not to say they are free and clear of their own issues, some that may in fact be similar to those of their peers, but put up against most, they'd come out on top in this area.
My kids are taught right from wrong, and they are held absolutely accountable when they do wrong. There's not just talk, a slap on the wrist and then me turning them loose. No. this Mommy doesn't work that way. I want to make sure that my kids will be better adults than what is prevalent in the masses today.
So I make sure they answer for any bad deeds done. Understand?
There are too many people (parents) out there now that will not make their kids be accountable. They don't want to expend the energy and they don't want their kids to be mad at them. Or they are afraid of "traumatizing" them beyond repair. SMH
What these parents are really doing, essentially, is raising future criminals, liars, cheaters, and entitled jerks. They are where the problem starts.
Then you have the parents who were bullies, remained bullies in adulthood and find it funny when their kid does the same thing. These are lowest of the low.
Mary has been picked on for her wheelchair use. I find this unacceptable and unbelievable. Making fun of the girl in the wheelchair, really? That says a lot about what they see and hear at home.
She has also been made fun of for her haircut. (She got lice, we couldn't get rid of it, so I shaved her head). My daughter is gorgeous. She took after her Daddy. The Romanian in her gives her big, exaggerated beautiful features and amazing golden skin. Her hair is super thick and dark and she is amazing! Even bald, my baby is awesome. JS
Now areas where she may really own part of this struggle would be in her attitude and I hate to say, her righteous demeanor. The child has a problem with holding others to a high standard like I do, and when they falter, again like me, she tells them so. I have had to learn the hard way not to do this to the general public. I do, however, still do this with my family. I have no illusion about where she got it, believe me.
I don't know how to get her to stop it though. I can't stop it myself.
Her doing this pisses kids off as you could imagine. They don't want to be told when they are doing something wrong, especially by someone their age! Right? I get it, I really do. But that doesn't mean they get to bully her.
She has had trouble with some kids lying about things she has said in order to turn their friends against her. When all that had to be done was for the child to talk to me first about what was going on, and then for that child to ignore Mary and no longer be friends with her. Not going from classmate to classmate telling them lies or half truths about things Mary supposedly said about her and then not even putting the half truths into context (withholding the fact that Mary said it only after the little girl lashed out at Mary).
I have told Mary to ignore the little girl. If anyone asks what's going on to tell them she can not talk about it. Unless they ask specifically if she said anything hurtful about this child first. Then she can inform them that she did not, and leave it at that.
Look, I completely understand that kids will be brats and they are the cruelest beings on this planet at times, but it's still not an excuse for it to be allowed to go on, right?
Another thing I get, is that we don't always know what is true and what is untrue when it comes to things our kids tell us. Sometimes you only get half of the story. Sometimes you get an outright, "I don't want to get in trouble" version of the truth.
And we can't be there with them all the time to manage them and their behavior. The teachers can't either. So we are left with something in between. And kid's end up coming home crying, with hurt feelings.
What I will not allow to go on, and I will not even try to understand, is cyber bullying and continuing to keep it going even after you have been talked to about it from your parent, the child you're messing with and the teacher. That goes above and beyond, in my opinion.
Today, Mary says she had a good day. Yesterday was bad. Some of her "friends" believed that she had been a bad friend and said hurtful things to another little girl, and without talking to Mary about it, they shunned her the entire day. :(
I am so glad this year is almost up. We have decided to homeschool her afterall. She can't go through this another year and neither can I.
Not Alone - Red