Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Today's Adventures, Tomorrow's Appointment

This morning we went and picked up a bunk bed for the kid's room. We needed this bed badly. Clara, Mary and Kathryn needed a space to sleep, and in order for that to happen, Aiden had to have his place that was all his own, cause he wasn't giving up an inch of the queen bed to his sisters.
Now he has the bottom bunk and he's perfectly happy with allowing his sisters to have the queen bed. :) 

Now we just have to get Aiden some Avengers bed sheets for his new bed, and Clara wants a short little curtain to close off her bed when she wants to be left alone. All in time.

This afternoon, we thought we would beat the storms that were coming in, so we headed out to take the kids swimming. I'm trying to get as much swimming in as possible before Clara's down for the summer. With the surgery that's coming up, she'll be down for at least a few weeks, and that's if there's no complications.
We pulled up at the house and got around to the pool and BAM! thunder. *eye roll*
It sounded far off still so we decided to chance it. There were no bad clouds, there had not been any rain or lightning, but we knew it was coming, so we thought we'd get at least 30 minutes in. 

The kids dove in, then the adults. I was on my third lap when I put my hand on the outer edge of the pool to push off for my fourth lap and somehow got shocked really badly. The tingle and the pinching feeling was instant and very painful. I pulled my hand back and told my kids to get out of the pool, NOW! just as the big, ugly, mean looking black cloud rolled in over us. We all got out of the pool just as the first big rain drops started to fall, followed by loud booms of thunder and blasts of lightning. I couldn't believe it. It was nowhere to be seen until it was right on us. So we cleaned up the pool area, and ran to the car. Once on the road headed toward the house, the sky just fell out, leaving me driving blindly.

Kat was in the backseat, and as you can probably imagine by now, she was squalling, and begging for her Daddy. Clara was in the far backseat and had to climb up to sit next to her to try to calm her down, but once Kat is in a fit like that, there's really nothing anyone can do but ride it out and just continue to try to calm her, soothe her and distract her. She cried the entire ride home, which is only about 8-10 minutes, but it seemed like forever.

When we got home and pulled into the driveway, I threw the truck in park, slammed on the emergency brake and jumped out to grab Kathryn from the backseat to run her inside to her Daddy. She grabbed onto me for dear life and wouldn't let go or even lift her head up off of my shoulder until we were inside and she heard Johnnie's voice. When she heard him, she threw herself into his arms and started crying again. He was the only one able to calm her.

She swore she'd never go swimming again, but I have a feeling she will change her mind when we want to go back next week, when there's no rain or storms in sight.

I learned a lesson today. Never think you can outrun the storm. Stay home when the weatherman calls for storms for any part of that day. It wasn't worth the fear that Kat went through. (And my hand hurts)

Tomorrow morning, Clara has her ENT appointment to check her hearing. Her hearing doctor at craniofacial believes she is in need of a hearing aid, so we shall see. 

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