Last night we were all sitting in the livingroom, minus Marian, who was in our room talking to Cameron. We look at the monitor and see that UPS has pulled up and Mom is calling through the door that they're here. The guy delivers the cooler and Johnnie brings it inside. My heart immediately fell to my feet and my stomach turned a little. The dreaded shots were here..finally. *eyeroll*
We have not been looking forward to this, not even a little. Mary is dreading the pain and anxiety of the shot, I am dreading administering the shot, and we are all on edge a bit about what the shot will bring as far as Mary's health goes. And here's why:
- It wipes out her immune system, completely. She will be open to infections, colds, flus, etc. And there is NOTHING that we can do to stop it.
- It's painful. The medicine burns. The needle is large. We are all used to baby pediatric needles and butterfly needles...not this piercing needle.
- The side effects are not something to play with or take lightly. Cancer?! IBD?! Crohn's Disease? Serious Headaches? Bad Fatigue?
I feel like I am just barely teetering on the edge of insanity, y'all. I mean, do I have vials of cancer sitting in my fridge right now just waiting for me to inject them into my daughter? Am I going to be the one to inject my child with the medication that will eventually take her from me? What the heck? This should NEVER have even been a worry that we had to face!! I am so angry! Frustrated! Terrified! Helpless. What is the right decision here? Give it to her and help her with her JA and face the consequences if they come up, or refuse it and allow Mary to be crippled completely by the time she's 18?
Last night and this morning her legs were hurting her and they were weak. She fell this morning while I was walking Kat up to the bus stop and hit her head because her legs gave out. I didn't have the wheelchair though because I forgot it in the back of Johnnie's truck that he had at work. So she had to go to school without it, just hoping she would be able to stay standing all day.
Right now, it just feels like we are damned if we do, damned if we don't. I don't like our options here. IT'S NOT FAIR!!
Mary is kind, she is smart, she is helpful, she is loving, she is a wonderful Christian and warrior for God, she is funny and considerate (most of the time), and she is a CHILD! She doesn't deserve to have to face this. At least, I don't feel that she does.
I know that there is a reason. God has a plan for her life. I really do have Faith in Him and what He is doing. But that doesn't mean that my emotions are not all over the place about it right now. Because right now, I can't see His plan, I cannot know what her path is and why.
I know that this could be worse, she could actually have cancer already, she could already be fighting for her life as so many other babies (grown or not) are out there right now. But it's just as scary to know that because of this, she could end up there...fighting not to walk, but to live.
Mary is everything to me, as are all of my babies. She is the one who loves to watch Hallmark movies with me, and sing and dance and act stupid silly with me in the car. She's the one who loves me to no end, even when I am unlovable. She laughs with me and cries with me. She hugs my neck and kisses my cheek and allows me to do the same. Mary is my baby that stands by me and stands up for me, even if she knows I'm wrong. LOL I love all of my children the same, please do not think I hold favor in any one of them, because I don't. They are all wonderful and beautiful and I would die for any of them. Me and Mary just see eye to eye on a lot of things and I cannot imagine something bad happening to her that I cannot control or fix for her.
I'm scared. I am truly, truly terrified.
The nurse will be here 12/09/2016 to help me give her the first shot that could eventually lead to something horrible. Y'all, I haven't even given her the shot yet and I am already having trouble with this. Please, please, please, please keep us in your prayers. Please pray for no bad side effects, for a steady hand while giving her the shot, and for peace and calming for both of us before and after the shot has been given.
The medicine. *shudders*