Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Working Girl and Other Updates

I got a job. :)

The pay is horrible, the hours are horrible, but it's more than I was making at home. ;P

I am working at a daycare center, kind of floating between the infants room and the Pre-K room, afternoons from 2-6:45pm. I mean it works for me right now, it's bringing a little extra money in and I have my mornings for doctor's appointments, etc..

Eventually I will need full-time, but for now it's good. :)

Aiden really enjoyed his first day at daycare yesterday. He made new friends and got to play with them. He may have driven his teacher a bit crazy, but it's all new to him, he still has to learn his limits there. He'll get it, it's just going to take time.

Clara is about to start seeing her new surgeon. Her appointment is set for the 30th of this month. I wish I knew how she felt about meeting him but she rarely speaks to me about her feelings unless she's angry about something. :/

Mary is having some trouble with her stomach still, I am honestly considering calling the nurse and telling her we are done with the Enbrel. Ever since that first shot her stomach has been messed up and y'all know from the previous post on Enbrel, stomach problems from little to big can occur because of this drug. I don't like it, I don't like it one bit. But at the same time, she's hurting. Her shoulders, her back, her legs, knees, ankles, and feet...she's in pain. I don't know the right choice here. I really don't. I know some of the pain has to do with her scoliosis too there is that to consider. Enbrel does nothing for that.

Kat's doing good. It seems as she gets older, the easier she is to handle. Her ADHD and her ODD are still in full effect and still raging on, but it takes less and less time for me to get her to focus and listen to what I'm saying to her, whether she obeys or not is another story, but baby steps. We're moving forward, inch by inch. ;P

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